| 書影 | 書誌事項 | ISBN |
1 | | The Cambridge dictionary of statistics in the medical sciences / B. S. Everitt ; :hbk, :pbk.. -- Cambridge University Press, 1995. | 0521473829 0521479282
2 | | Statistical methods for medical investigations / Brian S. Everitt ; : uk, : us. -- 2nd ed. -- E. Arnold, 1994. | 0340614315 0470233834
3 | | Statistical analysis of medical data : new developments / edited by Brian S. Everitt and Graham Dunn ; : pbk. -- Arnold, 1998. | 0340677759
4 | | Analyzing medical data using S-PLUS / Brian Everitt, Sophia Rabe-Hesketh. -- Springer, 2001. -- (Statistics for biology and health). | 0387988629
5 | | The analysis of contingency tables / B.S. Everitt. -- 2nd ed. -- Chapman & Hall, 1992. -- (Monographs on statistics and applied probability ; 45). | 0412398508
6 | | A handbook of statistical analyses using S-PLUS / Brian S. Everitt. -- Chapman & Hall, 1994. | 041256310X
7 | | A handbook of statistical analyses using Stata / Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, Brian Everitt. -- 2nd ed. -- Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2000. | 1584882018
8 | | The Cambridge dictionary of statistics / B.S. Everitt. -- Cambridge University Press, 1998. | 0521593468
9 | | 医学統計学辞典 / B.S.Everitt〔編〕 : 宮原英夫訳 : 池田憲昭訳 : 鶴田陽和訳. -- 朝倉書店, 2006. | 4254121628
10 | | Rによる統計解析ハンドブック / Brian S.Everitt, Torsten Hothorn著 ; 大門貴志, 吉川俊博, 手良向聡訳. -- メディカル・パブリケーションズ, 2010. | 9784902007374
| 書影 | 書誌事項 | ISBN |